Giles Alexander
The Still Vague Vault
4 November – 4 December 2021
Giles Alexander
The Still Vague Vault
4 November – 4 December 2021
Giles Alexander, 2021, Space for Reading, acrylic on linen, 168 x 123cm
Giles Alexander | The Still Vague Vault
Alexander has dispatched his arduous oil glaze and revels in a newly found immediacy. The drawing-like playfulness of airbrush has lightened the artistic load literally and metaphorically. The technique that has sat on the sidelines of Alexander’s practice for decades, facilitates a new focus, disrupting his slowly sought practice and narrative. This new particulate quintessence floats without effort atop his recognised career of laborious conceptual craftings.
The Still Vague Vault represents a new focus for Alexander, or perhaps the lack thereof? Materials and techniques shift respective prominences. Age and health temper the body’s ability to convey. Experience modulates the relative import of narratives and the spaces between linear relations afford greater room for painting.