1 – 8 July 2017
Genevieve Grieves, ‘lament’, 2013, three channel video, 7.00 duration
NAIDOC Week 2017 @ MARS brings together five Indigenous Australian contemporary artists from the Gunditjmara, Yorta Yorta, Ngarrindjeri, Worimi, Wadawurrung and Taungurong language groups. Through painting, sculpture, works on paper, installation, digital prints and video, this group exhibition explores themes of identity, cultural dichotomy, the historic representations of First Nation’s people, memory, and connecting to culture.
NAIDOC Week is a time to celebrate and acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history, culture and achievements. It is also an opportunity for MARS to celebrate the creative practice of contemporary artists Damien Shen, Josh Muir, Genevieve Grieves, Jenny Crompton and Steven Rhall.