

Winner of the 2015 Linden MARS Prize

30 JUNE – 30 JULY 2016


Stephanie Leigh is a Melbourne based artist. Working with painting, sculpture and installation, Leigh’s work draws on tropes of the historical and modernist canon such as the reclining pose, ideas about beauty, the naked fetish and cultural and political oppression. These concepts in her works are reconfigured in her contemporary practice to uncover modes of resistance and change that renegotiate female objectification.


Stephanie Leigh has achieved critical success as an emerging artist with a number of prizes and exhibitions. In 2014, Leigh graduated from her Masters at RMIT University in Melbourne. Following this, Leigh was selected to exhibit at Linden New art for their 2015 PhD and Masters exhibition and went on to win the MARS Gallery award. In 2015, Leigh was invited to co-curate AS IF: Echoes of the Women’s Art Register at West Space, Melbourne, which was funded by Arts Victoria, City of Melbourne and City of Yarra. Leigh was also invited to exhibit in F Generation: feminism, art, progressions at George Paton Gallery in 2015, a major exhibition of Australian feminist art.


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