
Daniel Agdag & Simon Finn | Fictitious Realities


Daniel Agdag and Simon Finn will be exhibiting works in ‘Fictitious Realities’, opening at Bayside Arts and Cultural Centre on 1st July from 3-5pm, through to 3 September. Curated by Robert Lindsay, the intricate, realistic detail and miniature scale of the works in this exhibition create a fictitious but plausible other world.

From the Curator:
When is a truth not a truth ?
Could it be that moment when what you see is not reality but imaginary?
That Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland moment that the upcoming exhibition curated by Robert Lindsay at the Bayside Regional Gallery will deliver through the perceptions of nine prestigious artists seeking to explore an alternative reality.
Robert bravely ventures into a dialogue favoured by the master of fake news Donald Trump when he selected artists that juxtaposed truth and reality against fictitious realities.
“The intention underlying the exhibition can be encapsulated by the words of Pablo Picasso, ‘We all know that Art is not truth. Art is a lie that makes us realise the truth’ (1923). The narratives in this exhibition are presented as imaginative scenarios with a definite quality of believability, but their significance rests above all else on their capacity to engender heightened perception along with a deeper appreciation of reality and our humanity”.
The nine represented artists each in their own way have conjured images that on the one hand ask us to believe and on the other hand ask us to deny.
The intricate, realistic detail and miniature scale of the works in this exhibition create a fictitious but plausible other world.
Featuring works by Daniel Agdag, Tom Arthur, Simon Finn, Sam Jinks, Richard Giblett, Colin Suggett, Cyrus Tang, Aki Inomata and Liu Zhuoquan.

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