MARS is delighted to present Drawing Now, a collective display of contemporary artworks from a range of artists working within the drawing medium. Featuring works by Liam Gerrard, Solomon Kammer, Yuria Okamura, Lily Palmer, Cameron Robbins and Melody Spangaro, each artist brings a unique perspective and expression through this chosen medium.

Following the success of his previous exhibitions at MARS, Liam Gerrard presents new botanical illustrations draw from the beauty and decay of the natural environment. His work consistently deals with ideas of realism, beauty and the grotesque, and how these things present themselves in the everyday people and world around us. 


Archibald and Wynne finalist, Solomon Kammer’s work speaks to their own experiences of chronic illness, medical science and gender bias’. Drawing on the personal, as well as broader experiences of medical mistreatment, Canus, examines the intricate relationships among gender bias, political manoeuvring, and capitalism as they manifest in the healthcare system.


From her exhibition at Melbourne Now at the National Gallery of Victoria in 2023, Yuria Okamura presents works that features geometric and botanical drawings, inspired by the symbolic use of geometry in architecture and ornament of diverse religious and mystical traditions.

In her first MARS exhibition, emerging artist Lily Palmer indicate drawings are attuned to land, seascapes and psychological terrains based on her interactions with her immediate physical environment. 


Cameron Robbins art practice is the culmination of four decades of experience, he draws from the natural world to create precise, mechanical, scientific works that document the change in weather conditions and natural forces, creating vortex like, abstracted drawings.
